Draftsight professional license multiple computers

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Please note that there is a specific email address to be used for each DraftSight license. In this situation, please send email to one of the email addresses listed below. When your DraftSight workstation (usually hard drive) gets broken and you have to replace the hard drive or get a new workstation, DraftSight license gets stuck and it is not possible to deactivate the license. Once you have deactivated DraftSight license successfully, you are able to install DraftSight and activate the license in a new workstation. Make sure that you will get a message that license has been deactivated successfully. Easily transition from AutoCAD® or similar CAD. Create, edit, view and markup any kind of 2D and 3D DWG file with greater ease, speed and efficiency. Then follow the onscreen instructions to finish the deactivation. DraftSight is a feature-rich 2D and 3D CAD solution for architects, engineers and construction service providers, as well as professional CAD users, designers, educators and hobbyists.

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License is deactivated by selecting 'Deactivate DraftSight.' from dropdown menu seen in picture below.

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When changing the DraftSight workstation, it is important to deactivate the DraftSight license in old workstation before activating license in a new workstation. This information is valid for users running DraftSight Standard, Professional or Premium version that use standalone licensing.

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